Richard V. Tauer
ESS Consultant
Education Support Services Group
Cell: (626) 802-7034
Richard Tauer’s 40 years of experience in K-12 education culminated in his three years as superintendent. Mr. Tauer’s twelve years’ extensive experience as a Human Resources administrator was built on a foundation that included elementary, middle, and adult school teaching, graduate-level professor, school principal, as well as director of state and federal programs and compliance.
Prior to joining Education Support Services (ESS), Richard was Superintendent of Westminster School District, where he provided the leadership necessary to successfully navigate the district through the most challenging of fiscal times, while continually making significant progress in student achievement.
Mr. Tauer earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees in educational leadership at California State University, Los Angeles, where he also taught numerous graduate-level classes in education leadership, personnel management, and school business.
Mr. Tauer has received many awards during his career, including Administrator of the Year awards at both local and regional levels of Association of California School Administrators, ACSA’s state-recognized newsletter award for Region XV, as well as three PTA Council recognition awards during his career.
Richard is a member of American Association of School Administrators and the Association of California School Administrators. Currently the co-director of ACSA’s Personnel Academy, Mr. Tauer has access to numerous resources and contacts and potential administrative candidates throughout California.
Mr. Tauer continues to work as a consultant in support of public education by providing professional development for administrative teams, organizational development of processes, procedures and protocols, and coaching new administrators. His extensive experience in human resources has resulted in his assisting several school districts to successfully fill executive-level leadership vacancies, including several superintendent positions. Recently, he served as interim superintendent in a unified school district, and facilitated the board’s selection of its new permanent superintendent.
Richard stays current with emerging trends in education by regularly attending key professional events for California administrators, including the annual superintendents’ symposium. He maintains an ongoing relationship with current practitioners in the field, as well as with colleagues who are active consultants in ESS, as well as those in other organizations.
Mr. Tauer and his wife (who is a retired teacher) have three children and three wonderful grandchildren, all residing in the L.A./Orange County area. Richard enjoys continuing his work in a consulting role because it provides him with the opportunity to continue to make a positive difference by working with outstanding educational leaders, all while giving back to the profession that he enjoyed for 40 years.